Terminology Guide / Pad Combos
Beginners – Phase 1 – 4 / Intermediate – Phase 1 – 4 / Advanced – Phase 1 – 4
Breaking and Endurance for Beginners
Hand and Foot Combinations
Encinitas Karate Sparring Rules
Weapons Long Staff 1 – 4
Karate Kid Curriculum
Black Belt 1st to 2nd
Black Belt 2nd to 3rd
Black Belt 3rd to 4th
Black Belt Terminology
Student Creed
I will develop myself in a positive manner, and avoid
anything that could harm my mental growth or my
physical health.
I will respect my parents and treat them with
kindness and courtesy at all times.
I will develop my self-discipline, in order to bring out
the best in myself and in others.
I will use common sense before self-defense and never
be abusive, offensive, or misuse my karate skills.
This is a black belt school!
We are dedicated!
We are motivated!
We are on a quest to be our best!
Winners never quit, quitters never win.
I choose to be a winner!
Tang Soo!